As Deepfakes Flourish, Countries Struggle With Response

Deepfake technology — software that allows people to swap faces, voices and other characteristics to create digital forgeries — has been used in recent years to make a synthetic substitute of Elon Musk that shilled a cryptocurrency scam, to digitally “undress” more than 100,000 women on Telegram and to steal millions of dollars from companies by mimicking their executives’ voices on the phone.
New York Times

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AFP joins five new European hubs to fight disinformation

The European Commission has selected Agence France-Presse, a global leader in digital investigation, to be part of five new hubs dedicated to the fight against disinformation in 10 European countries. The decision following a tender offer cements AFP’s position as a major player in the fight against disinformation in Europe.
Agence France-Presse

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How Finland Is Teaching a Generation to Spot Misinformation

A typical lesson that Saara Martikka, a teacher in Hameenlinna, Finland, gives her students goes like this: She presents her eighth graders with news articles. Together, they discuss: What’s the purpose of the article? How and when was it written? What are the author’s central claims?
New York Times

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Supporting fact-checking communities with Nobel laureate Maria Ressa

In this post you'll find Maria Ressa’s keynote speech at the 2022 APAC Trusted Media Summit. Ressa is a Filipino-American journalist, author, and co-founder and CEO of Rappler, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021 for her “efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace.”
Google News Initiative

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Why Social Media Became the Perfect Incubator for Hoaxes and Misinformation

In the summer of 2015 Governor Greg Abbott gave the Texas State Guard an unusual order: keep an eye on the Jade Helm 15 exercise, just in case the online rumors are true. In reality, Jade Helm 15 was a routine eight-week military exercise conducted in Texas and six other states. In the online echo chamber, however, it was something more sinister: the beginning of a coup ordered by President Barack Obama.
Scientific American

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Damar Hamlin’s Tragedy, Anti-vaxxers’ Gold

On Monday, the Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin collapsed from cardiac arrest during an NFL game. Nearly right away—with little information about Hamlin’s condition publicly available—vaccine-disinformation purveyors hopped onto Twitter to promote the myth that athletes are dying because of the coronavirus shot.
The Atlantic

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We Haven’t Seen the Worst of Fake News

It was 2018, and the world as we knew it—or rather, how we knew it—teetered on a precipice. Against a rising drone of misinformation, The New York Times, the BBCGood Morning America, and just about everyone else sounded the alarm over a new strain of fake but highly realistic videos.
The Atlantic

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Scott Galloway: Cognitive Dissonance

Psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman earned a Nobel Prize for their research into how we create subjective realities. They identified unconscious patterns of thinking — they called them “cognitive biases.”
No Mercy/No Malice

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