AFP joins five new European hubs to fight disinformation
Agence France-Presse joins five other news hubs as part of the European Digital Media Observatory, a network created by the European Commission in 2020 to fight disinformation.
The European Commission has selected Agence France-Presse, a global leader in digital investigation, to be part of five new hubs dedicated to the fight against disinformation in 10 European countries. The decision following a tender offer cements AFP’s position as a major player in the fight against disinformation in Europe.
Following a hub for Germany and Austria launched in November (GADMO), similar projects will be launched for Romania and Bulgaria (BROD), Croatia and Slovenia (ADMO) and Greece, Malta and Cyprus (MedDMO) on December 1. The final hub, for Hungary (HDMO), will follow on January 1, 2023.
The hubs are part of the European Digital Media Observatory, a network of digital media hubs created by the European Commission in 2020 to fight disinformation across Europe led by the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.
Funded by the EU but independent in their work, the hubs will form a European multidisciplinary community that brings together academic researchers, fact-checkers, media practitioners and other relevant actors in order to actively detect, analyse and expose disinformation campaigns. MORE