Many Developed Countries View Online Misinformation as ‘Major Threat’
Climate change and misinformation ranked as the two most significant ‘threats’ facing 19 developed nations, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey. Above, low water levels at Baitings Reservoir reveal an ancient bridge as drought conditions continue in Ripponden, United Kingdom.
New York Times
Nearly three-quarters of people across 19 countries believe that the spread of false information online is a “major threat,” according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.
Researchers asked 24,525 people from 19 countries with advanced economies to rate the severity of threats from climate change, infectious diseases, online misinformation, cyberattacks from other countries and the condition of the global economy. Climate change was the highest-rated concern for most countries, with a median of 75 percent of respondents saying it is a major threat. Misinformation trailed closely behind, with a median of 70 percent deeming it a major threat. MORE