Is It Legit? Five Steps for Vetting a News Source
With partner organization SmartNews, a news app for mobile devices, the News Literacy Project has developed five steps for vetting news sources. Click on the link below to view the graphic in its entirety - then test your knowledge with a quiz.
News Literacy Project
Many sources compete for attention online, including partisan blogs and bogus sites posing as legitimate news organizations. It can be tough to know what information to trust. So, what does “credibility” look like, and how can you recognize it?
With partner organization SmartNews, a news app for mobile devices, we’ve developed five steps for vetting news sources. Use this to cut through the noise and learn how to evaluate sources for signs of credibility. Remember: Credible sources aren’t perfect, but information from them is much more likely to be accurate. And when they are wrong, they should be transparent about identifying and correcting errors.
After learning more about the five steps, check out this quiz to put your source-vetting skills to the test.